Sunday, October 08, 2006

Make money, make love

hurm...nak ngoceh pe plak today....okay my timetable for the past 1 week:

1. I have extra classes n meetings everyday after my ordinary lectures...relax, i cans till breath but once the clock hit 9pm my eyelids will not obey me anymore...

2. I'm privileged to join pak tjipto's hermenetics bible class, consists of 10 students (mostly seniors plus me)...huhu..indah indah...thanx pak tjipto..thank you God!

3. Friday= from PDJ to fires...sampai malam tepar.

4. Saturday radiology and had my guitar lesson after that til 5pm. I was taught by a super-master-of classical fingers felt numb in front of him (malu sebenarnye pasal dier hebat sangat main...)

5. Sunday today i went to church (phewwww setelah 2 mgu tak pegi)...siap ade concert for the jakarta sacred music and i will go and watch nanti tgl 13...

my latest obsession so far is Grey's Anatomy...sampai nak khatam satu season sanggup sacrifice waktu tido...tapi hati-hati week nak exam mid modul..Next week is going to be very busy..Im attending concerts, classes, meetings, prayer groups and etc...not including my own ordinary classes...i will be getting something from the internal medicine unit (for pulmo) this week..i'll be having my mid modul exam on wednesday....warghhhhhhh...

i need my guitar this week but the 1st string is broken....Yongky bought 1 for me just now so im gona hafta fork out my pocket money for that...warghhhhhhhhhhh...

So in short.... MAKE MONEY.....MAKE LOVE....

p/s: my reflexes are still okay but i think there's somthing wrong with my nerves....

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