Wednesday, November 15, 2006

so much to little time

this is my latest entry after 1 month...actually tak bercadang nak tulis ape2..but since dearest melisa yg sms n tanye "apsal x update blog" ternyata there is at least someone yang baca blog i..wahahahahaha....nantila bile saya dah advanced sikit saya akan belajar nak masukkan gambar (i've been saying that since the 18th century...)

life has been very busy but wonderful..errr where shud i start? kira rojak la mana yang ingat saya akan tulis...last weekend i went to Bandung...after 1 year ++ ago...phewww that is really quite a long time and i guess i needed some fresh air and saya dah bosan pergi Bogor...God gave me the courage to pegi again tempat itu and now saya rasa saya dah okey dah...boleh kot sering2 pegi if i bosan...wahahaha...finally managed to get rid of that "aneh" feeling out of me about Bandung....

Persatuan? Hufffff...I just pray that God will continue to provide me with good health...Everyday saya akan bahagi waktu from typing,pegi sekret,kontek manusia lain,pegi tempat lain,sms,call,meeting..bla bla bla....Kekadang mcm letih giler n nak pengsan lagi2 on Fridays because itu my HARI BUSY SEDUNIA...coming back late at night...but PUAS HATI..

Thank God juga all this while i can still juggle my time between studies n long as i feel that i can manage...i know what im doing...there is so much to do...but so little time little time left.........

Update from Miri... my sis has been sending MMS of Vernon...unfortunately...he is not the baby that I met 1 year ago...dah besarrrr la weiiiiiiiii!!!!! Mana aci!!!! aku still nak dier mcm baby lagieyyyyyyy.....Nak beli baju tatau size ape! Ironically, skarang ni tgh blajar Growth n Development... Macam cepat sgt la manusia membesar...pastu hidup SEKEJAP....pastu MATI...... Which always make me think n wonder whether I have been spending my lifetime n will be spending the rest of my life doing something worthwhile? And if I can, who do I think it is for? For me?family?friends?God?....I'll will keep my answer to myself...but since this is my blog n practically no one knows it exist...what the heck! Yeah, skarang semua motivasi hidup harus benar...In short, all I do I will be responsible, doing everything before Him....

My results for Modul Pulmo blom kuar....I'm keeping my fingers crossed..harap bley dapat baik...(Hati berdegup kencang ooooohhhh)

This modul Prof Muzief suruh pakai baju kemeja...I still use t-shirt to go to class...Selagi dier tak halau n selagi aku rasa aku berpakaian sopan...Rilek la brader.... is too short.There is so much to be done...Start TODAY

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